The Elm Creek Watershed Management Commission requires land-disturbing projects meeting certain thresholds to control the rate and volume of stormwater leaving their sites, and to treat that stormwater before it discharges into storm sewers or downstream waters. These requirements are set forth in Rules and Standards, which also include requirements for projects potentially impacting wetlands and floodplain. The Commission reviews projects to determine if these requirements are met. It is the City's responsibility to enforce the Standards to ensure that natural resources are protected and water quality improvements are implemented.
Any person or political subdivision undertaking an activity for which a project review is required shall first submit to the Commission a completed project review application, design data, plans, specifications, fees, and such other information and exhibits as may be required by the Rules.
Rules and Standards, application form, fee schedule and other resources can be found here.
The Commission defers all public ditch authority to Hennepin County.
Projects Involving Wetlands
The member city, as the designated Local Government Unit (LGU) under the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA), requires developers to complete a wetland delineation by a trained wetland professional to identify the location and extent of any wetlands present within the development site, and regulates any proposed impacts to those wetlands. WCA reviews proceed on a parallel track with project reviews. Applicants must still meet Commission wetland and watercourse buffer standards unless the City requires alternate standards that have been previously approved by the Commission.