NOTE: As of August 1, 2023, a revised project review fee schedule is in effect. See below for more information and revised fees.
The Rules and Standards of the Elm Creek Watershed (revised May 11, 2022) can be found here.
In general, all land-disturbing activities or the development or redevelopment of land for the following types of projects must obtain approval from the Commission of a project review that incorporates a stormwater management plan for the activity, development or redevelopment. This project review must be coordinated through the city in which the project is located.
a) Plans of any land development or site development that disturbs more than 1 acre of land.
b) Plans of any land development or individual site development adjacent to or containing a lake, wetland, or a natural or altered watercourse.
c) Any culvert installation or replacement, bridge construction, stream cross-section alteration, or activity requiring a DNR Waters Permit on Elm, Rush, North Fork Rush, or Diamond Creeks or their tributaries.
d) Plans for any land development or site development within the 1% chance (100 year) floodplain as defined by the Flood Insurance Study for the member city or the Commission's flood study.
e) Plans of any land development or site development, regardless of size, if such review is requested by a member city.
Any person or political subdivision undertaking an activity for which a project review is required shall first submit to the Commission a completed Project Review Application Form, design data, plans, specifications, fees, and such other information and exhibits as may be required by the Rules. Applications shall be signed by the owner, or the owner’s authorized agent, except for activities of a political subdivision which may be signed by either the owner or the general contractor. All project review applications must be authorized by the municipality where the proposed project is located. Once the City has indicated authorization by a signature of City Engineer or appropriate personnel in the Authorization section at the bottom right corner of the application, project materials including application, fee schedule and electronic copy of required plans may be submitted to the Commission's administrative office by uploading to
The Project Review Fee Schedule and Worksheet(effective August 1, 2023)should be used to determine the necessary fees required for a project to be reviewed. EFFECTIVE 8/1/23, use revised fee schedule.
Make checks payable to "Elm Creek Watershed Management Commission" and send to: 3235 Fernbrook Ln N, Plymouth MN 55447. Note the project name on the check and/or include a copy of the application and fee schedule. Credit cards are not accepted.
Applications must include a calculation of pre-construction and post-construction TP and TSS loads using methods set forth in the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. Use of the MIDS Calculator or P8 are preferred.
Refer to the Hennepin County Natural Resources Interactive Map for general locations of natural resources features; however, applicant must confirm the location of wetlands, floodplains, and other features in the field.